Friday, May 24, 2013

Come on, Nan, let's give them something to talk about....

Kartik Krishnaier recently wrote a post on gubernatorial candidate Nan Rich and the FDP's upcoming JJ dinner event. Evidently, Senator Rich asked to speak and her request was denied.

Now, I have heard all the jokes about the JJ event not ending on the same day it started and all that.

This year, there aren't many statewide candidates who've announced already. So why not let Nan Rich speak? I can't presume to know.

One of the comments (from perennial provocateur Doug Head) on Krishnaier's blog asked where the Women's Caucus/DWCF stands on this issue.

Disclaimer: I am writing as a DWCF club member, not as the state communications chair for DWCF, in this blog. My thoughts here are my own and do not reflect the DWCF organization as a whole or the stance of the group's leaders. The DWCF has not issued a statement at this time.

That said,  now I want to personally address the blog and the comment: 

To Doug: Well, Doug, the DWCF have had Nan Rich speak at their quarterly meeting and numerous individual clubs have featured Nan Rich at their events. Plus, Nan Rich has been invited to speak at the DWCF state convention in September in Panama City.

Meanwhile, the Florida GOP (RPOF) folks are having a field day:

Dear RPOF, you've got your own problems. Really. I know you are sitting there scratching your heads trying to figure out FDP's next move. These potshots you keep taking don't seem to help you make any headway. However, you are very entertaining and I certainly enjoy your political theater. Meanwhile, keep saying Nan Rich's name. I am sure she and her campaign supporters appreciate the earned media.

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