Sunday, July 6, 2014

Wakulla Democrats to Grill with the Graham Family on August 1 in Crawfordville

The Graham Family Cordially Invites You to
A Free
North Florida Family Grill Out

Hosted by the Wakulla Democratic Executive Committee

& the Wakulla Democratic Women’s Club

Friday, August 1, 2014
6:00 – 8:00 PM
at the
Crawfordville Woman’s Club
64 Ochlockonee Street behind Hudson Park
Crawfordville, Florida 32327

Entertainment by Hot Tamale

Please RSVP to 850-421-1624 or

Paid For By Graham for Congress

For additional information, please contact Rachel Pienta 850-321-3582
Host committee in formation and limited sponsorship opportunities are available.

Friday, February 28, 2014

‘Awake The State’ will rally statewide against legislative attacks on middle class - Tuesday March 4th in Tallahassee

MEDIA ADVISORYFebruary 28, 2014
Contact: Damien Filer / 850-212-1858

‘Awake The State’ will rally statewide against legislative attacks on middle class

TALLAHASSEE – With the opening of the 2014 legislative session set to begin, Floridians are planning rallies across the state as part of a continuing grassroots chorus of discontent with Gov. Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature’s undemocratic, anti-middle class policies. Participants and speakers alike will call on Gov. Scott and his allies in the Tea Party-controlled Legislature to pass a budget that invests in restoring the middle class, not more corporate giveaways. The local rallies will follow a massive March 3rd “Moral Monday” protest at the Capitol in Tallahassee advocating for stronger public schools, protecting voting rights, expanding access to quality health care and more.
WHO: Concerned Floridians from across the state.
WHAT: Rallies in more than a dozen communities throughout Florida demanding the legislature invest in restoring the middle class, not more corporate giveaways.
WHEN: Tuesday, March 4th. Times vary. Find the Awake The State event in your area at this link (cities listed below): 
WHERE: Tuesday rallies in Miami, Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Merritt Island, Inverness, Lake Worth, Palatka, Ocala, Orlando, Daytona Beach, St. Augustine, and Pensacola. For Tallahassee, the event is “Moral Monday” on Monday March 3rd, at the Capitol Courtyard.
“Average Floridians are fed up with Tallahassee politicians balancing the budget on the backs of hard-working families,” said Mark Ferrulo of Progress Florida. “We will continue to fight Rick Scott and the Tea Party until we see these anti-middle class policies changed.”
‘Awake The State’ started as a Facebook page that quickly grew to thousands strong, resulting in 30 rallies in cities across the state in March of 2011. The Awake The State movement provides a platform for everyday Floridians to make their voices heard and push back against Rick Scott and the Tea Party-controlled legislature’s flawed budget priorities.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Florida Democratic Party Small County Coalition Conference Set for March 7th – 9th at Baytowne Wharf

      The Florida Democratic Party’s Small County Coalition will host an upcoming three-day conference on Friday – Sunday, March 7th – 9th, 2014, at The Village at Baytowne Wharf in Sandestin. The Small County Coalition represents the rural counties of Florida, which is more than half of Florida’s 67 counties.
      According to Darlo Kiely, District 1 Director for the SCC and Okaloosa County Democratic Executive Committee Chair, the three-day conference will include:
      Friday, March 7th:
            Reception (6 – 8 PM) featuring Allison Tant, Florida Democratic Party Chair.
      Saturday, March 8th:
            Workshops (9 – 11 AM):
                        VAN (Voter Activation Network) Training,
                        Hispanic Outreach,
                        Voting Rights,
                        VBM (Vote By Mail)
            Luncheon (11:30 AM – 1:30 PM) [ separate tickets can  be purchased for lunch]
                        Featured Speakers: Democratic candidates for Florida Attorney General
                                    George Sheldon and Perry Thurston
            Candidate Forum (6 – 8 PM)
                        Democratic candidates
      Sunday, March 9th:
            SCC Business Meeting (Time: TBA)

      Further information and registration forms are available at or by telephone (Darlo Kiely) 850-217-2382. Room reservations (Small Count Coalition SCC Group Rate #2362ND) can be made at the Sandestin Resort 800-320-8115.

Allison Tant, Florida Democratic Party Chair to speak at
Small County Coalition Conference
March 7th at Baytowne Wharf

      Allison Tant, the Florida Democratic Party’s Chairwoman, will address the Florida Democratic Party’s Small County Coalition on Friday, March 7th, (6 PM) at the Village at Baytowne Wharf in Sandestin during the organization’s 3 day conference.
      A native Floridian, Allison was born in Jacksonville, graduated from FSU, and was an intern for Senator Bob Graham. She has worked in the Florida Legislature and has been active in local Democratic politics across the state. Tant, a former lobbyist and longtime advocate for disabled children resides inTallahassee.
      Tant was elected chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party in January, 2013, and has led an effort, since that time, to rejuvenate the nearly 4.8 million democrats in the state of Florida.
      Darlo Kiely, District 1 Director of the Florida Small County Coalition and currently Okaloosa County Democratic Executive Committee Chair, is delighted that Allison Tant will be on hand to kick-off the conference. “We know that Allison will ignite those attending the conference and spur enthusiasm in our ranks in the months ahead,” Kiely said.
       The Florida Democratic Party’s Small County Coalition Conference will be held at Baytowne Wharf in Sandestin Friday through Sunday, March 7th– 9th. The conference will include various workshops on voters rights, outreach programs, the voter activation network, vote by mail and candidate forums. The conference will conclude on Sunday, March 9th, with the Small County Coalition business meeting.
      Further information and conference registration forms are available at or by telephone (Darlo Kiely) 850-217-2382.
*Photograph of Allison Tant attached.
Will Rogers
3622 Goldsby's Way
Destin, FL 32541
Cell: 850.598.3999

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Democratic Small County Coalition announces Conference in Sandestin March 7 - 9

Small County Coalition Conference – March 7- 9 – Sandestin Resort/Baytowne Wharf – Rooms $129 night for our Group #2362ND – Call 800-320-8115

Friday Reception:   Florida Democratic Party Chair, Allison Tant, is our Featured Speaker     6 – 8 pm-------Cash Bar and Hors D’oeuvres - $25

Saturday:          Luncheon Speakers, George Sheldon and Perry Thurston, Democratic Candidates for Attorney General, from 11: 30am -1:30pm - $35
Four Workshops from 9 to 11 am ----------- 2 to 4 pm:   Van Training, Hispanic Outreach, Voting Rights, and VBM
All Democratic Candidates Forum - 6-8 pm - Cash Bar and Hors D’oeuvres - $25

Sunday:            SCC Business Meeting – See the above attached Registration Form for Special Conference Rate of $100 for entire weekend!!!

Please RSVP your attendance online as soon as possible at , and search the lovely resort amenities at , where you can also book room reservations.   For the sake of expediency, please bring your form, with check for $35 SCCC registration fee, and meals, to the hotel desk on Friday, starting at 4 pm, for Conference Registration.  Saturday Registration will be at Baytowne Wharf in front of the Conference Rooms, Camellia, where workshops will be held, and Azalea, where all the other group events will take place. 

Please feel free to give me a call should you have any questions or suggestions on the SCC Conference Agenda, and especially if you wish to help in any way, as we are still putting together the finishing touches to the event on Monday, Feb 24th, which is our next planning meeting.

Thank you,

Darlo Kiely
District 1 Director
DEC Chair
Okaloosa County

Registration Form            2014 Small County   Coalition Conference

                 CONFERENCE AGENDA
􀁺 Friday Night Welcome Party 􀁺 Saturday Workshop Sessions 􀁺 Saturday Night Candidate Forum 􀁺 Featured Luncheon Speakers 􀁺 Sunday Small County Coalition Business Meeting

First Name: ____________________________________
Last Name: ______________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: __________________
COUNTY: ________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________
Cell: ____________________________ Home: ________________ Work: _______________

DEC Member: ______________ DEC Position: _____________________________ Staying at hotel: _____________

Elected official: _____________ Office Held: _________________________________________________________

􀂆 $35 Weekend Conference Registration Fee: No. _________________

􀂆 $25 Friday Night Reception with Allison Tant: No.___________________

􀂆 $35 Saturday Lunch D Candidates Attorney General: No. ____________

􀂆 $25 Saturday Night Candidate Forum:  No.__________________________

􀂆 $100 All Inclusive Special Conference Price:  No.__________________

The Sandestin Resort has a limited number of rooms available at the group rate. Call the hotel at (800) 320-8115 and ask for the Small County Coalition (SCC) group rate (#2362ND) at $129.00 per night. Contact is Darlo Kiely, District 1 FDP Director and DEC Chair at (850) 217-2382 Please RSVP the date(s) you plan to attend at, and you can book your room online at  Registration fee and form due at the door March 7th starting at 4 PM.     DIRECTIONS TO RESORT

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wakulla Democratic Women to Hold Inaugural Women's Wellness Event February 28th

Ladies Nite Out - Health Fair

Body Tek
56 Rainbow Drive, Crawfordville, Florida
The Wakulla Democratic Womens Club

Invite you to an evening of wine, cheese, pampering, and learning.

Friday, February 28th, 4:00 -7:00 PM

$5.00 entrance includes three chance drawing tickets

 All proceeds benefit the
2014 Wakulla Relay for Life

Please join us for a fun evening
for a good cause!!

(Limited space still available for vendors)
For more information call Mary @ (850) 766-6285) or Verna @ (850) 212-3131.

Non-Political Advertisement paid for and approved by the Wakulla Democratic Womens Club, Post Office Box 766 Crawfordville, FL 32326-0766. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.