Monday, December 31, 2012

A Small County Perspective on the FDP Chair's Race

I have given a great deal of thought to the upcoming chair’s election. I am waiting until January 8th to make a public endorsement. I’ve had extensive conversations with both candidates about my choice to be the next FDP chair. I encourage you to reach out to both Alan Clendenin and Allison Tant Richard as you make your own decisions.

I chair a DEC and I also work with progressive groups; albeit unpaid, and the divide between paid operatives and activists is a sore subject among many Democrats in Florida.  I DO get paid for my policy work, my writing, and sometimes my public speaking, but I generally donate my time to politics. I get a little annoyed about some of the activists who don't work with the DEC structure and go off and do their own things and then throw rocks back at those of us who hold Democratic Party positions. Then, I also get upset with the paid operatives who hold up their noses and do things like refer to DEC people and activists as "wack-tivists" and make other disparaging remarks.

Some of you know I am an academic but many of you probably don't know my primary discipline is Sociology. As a sociologist, I've been trained to analyze organizational culture and I can't help but view all of this through a particular theoretical and obviously, wonky, lens. I would love for this election to allow us the opportunity to engage in critical discourse about the culture of FDP and all of the related organizations that make up the larger culture of Democratic politics in Florida. People often over use the word vision but it might be appropriate to consider what our vision of a functional, successful party would be.

I’ve heard much said since discussions about a successor to Rod Smith began about different issues we need to resolve within the party. First, let me say that putting the onus for change solely on the shoulders of the party chair is unrealistic. Yes, there are things the chair can do. But there are also limits to what the chair can do.

I have been reading the recent discourse on the Facebook threads – all rife with complaints and conjecture.

One set of remarks focused on how DECs and Clubs don’t have action plans and don’t discuss electoral goals or strategy.  Seriously, where does that fault reside?  You are telling me you blame the party for what you don’t do in your home county? Come on, folks, you ARE the party where you live. You are the insiders in your community.  What are you doing to be the change you want to see?

Now, don’t get me wrong. I have my beefs with the powers-that-be. It killed me to see RPOF pump $10k into my county early in the electoral cycle. It was used to work against my county commission candidates. And there I was with my DEC slaving to hit the goal for the small county grant while also opening a headquarters to support the presidential campaign. Both my Democratic county commission candidates lost. It hurts. I COULD blame the party and the lack of support from Tallahassee. But I have to be honest and say that we could be building a better infrastructure here in Wakulla. We have work to do. We all do.

I was really mad when I read the recent post on The Political Hurricane blog that discounted small counties in general and North Florida in particular.

There have been two blogs that have really made this election be uglier and more divisive than it needs to be.  Progressive Caucus Chair Susan Smith got it right when she said we need to remember that we all need to be able to come together after January 26th to elect Democrats in 2014.  How effective can we be moving forward if we burn the house down now? Some of you might like to think that the Democratic Party could be like the phoenix rising from the ashes of an ugly chair’s race but I have to think that the wounds inflicted now might be hard to heal in the relatively short time we have remaining to win back the governor’s mansion.

Only a few small counties have let our coalition chair Dave Dew know where they stand on the chair’s race.  Our strength as a coalition rests in our capacity to unite and vote as a block.

If we don’t stand together in the weighted vote for the chair’s race, then we at least need to be considering the impact we can have as a voting block for the rest of the leadership seats when the process becomes one person, one vote.  That said, having a discussion within our caucus about where we stand is still a good idea. Dave Dew has circulated the answers to the questionnaires we asked the candidates to answer. I’m looking forward to Dave Dew scheduling a date for a Small County Coalition conference call to give us an opportunity to discuss the questionnaires.

What am I hoping for in new leadership for the FDP? I would like to see us be able to cover all the bases – from fundraising to messaging, from infrastructure development for DECs to candidate recruitment up and down the ballot across the state.

Above all, I am looking forward to having a united party that is ready to win back the governor’s mansion in 2014.

Rachel Sutz Pienta, PhD
Chair and State Committeewoman, Wakulla DEC
Board of Directors and Founding Member, Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida
Communications Chair, Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Looking for Love

It has often been said that Democrats fall in love while Republicans fall in line. The courtship for the hearts of party leaders in the Florida Democratic Party Chair’s race is underway and activists so far show no signs of falling in line. Early reactions to attempts at making the sort of arranged marriages previously accepted by Florida Democratic Party members indicate that Democrats would like to get to know these candidates before heading to the altar this time.

The love and marriage metaphors aside, what Democrats across the state do seem to want is a chance to cast more than symbolic votes. The grassroots activists who helped to win the Florida ground game in the face of GOP voter suppression efforts are not likely to cede the opportunity to fully consider the field and make an independent choice.

The social media chatter among Democrats in the wake of Charlie Crist’s Friday night party switch tweet from the White House ranged from elation to disgust. The disparate responses across the spectrum represent the type of discourse Florida Democrats engage in about what they view as a battle for the heart and soul of the party. So called “party insiders” may roll their eyes at this sort of chatter, but they shouldn’t forget that those chatterers represent votes – whether in a primary or in a state chair’s race.

Efforts to court party activists begin tonight with a radio show via the Progressive News Network. The program will be hosted by Rick Spisak along with Florida Democratic GLBT President Sally Phillips, Democratic Women's Club of Florida 1st Vice-President Dr. Maureen McKenna, and Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida President Susan Smith. Invited candidates include Alan Clendenin - Hillsborough County DEC State Committeeman, Annette Taddeo-Goldstein - Miami-Dade DEC Chair, and Allison Tant Richard - Leon DEC Chair (candidate). The show will include a question and answer session with the candidates. The show is available online at (click on blogtalkradio link in center of page) or via phone: (909) 265-9104.

Other efforts to become acquainted with the field of candidates are also in progress. The leadership of the Florida Democratic Party Small County Coalition has circulated a questionnaire to be answered by the candidates. The Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc. issued an invitation to the candidates for a “meet and greet” reception in Panama City January 11th on the eve of their January quarterly meeting.

The date for the chair’s election is still more than a month away. The meeting is scheduled to be held in Orlando on January 26. Much can happen during this extended time period. The field of candidates is likely to change between now and January 26. In the meantime, Florida Democrats have the opportunity to make a date with the current contenders if they tune into Spisak’s show at 7 pm tonight.

Friday, August 24, 2012

“Democratic Women Celebrate Equality”

Tallahassee, Florida – On Sunday, August 26th, women across Florida will celebrate “Women’s Equality Day”. Democratic Women’s Club of Florida President Janet Goen announced that, “Club members throughout the state are planning community celebrations of the anniversary of women’s suffrage.” DWCF State Communications Chair Rachel Pienta, who is scheduled to speak at Women’s Equality Day festivities in Tallahassee, said, “In 2012, we’re seeing efforts to undermine women’s vote. We’re less than a decade from celebrating 100 years of the women’s vote but efforts to suppress voting make it more important than ever to be sure all women are registered and use their hard won right to vote in every election.” Dr. Maureen McKenna, DWCF first vice president, explained the origins of Equality Day, “The amazing Bella Abzug, the congresswoman from New York, asked the U.S. Congress to designate August 26 as a national Women’s Equality Day to commemorate the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.” The observance of Women’s Equality Day not only commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, but also calls attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality. Joint Resolution of Congress, 1971 Designating August 26 of each year as Women’s Equality Day WHEREAS, the women of the United States have been treated as second-class citizens and have not been entitled the full rights and privileges, public or private, legal or institutional, which are available to male citizens of the United States; and WHEREAS, the women of the United States have united to assure that these rights and privileges are available to all citizens equally regardless of sex; and WHEREAS, the women of the United States have designated August 26, the anniversary date of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, as symbol of the continued fight for equal rights: and WHEREAS, the women of United States are to be commended and supported in their organizations and activities, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that August 26th of each year is designated as Women’s Equality Day, and the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation annually in commemoration of that day in 1920, on which the women of America were first given the right to vote, and that day in 1970, on which a nationwide For more information about the Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc. please visit or on Facebook. ###

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer Fun with the Wakulla Democratic Party Hosted by the Wakulla DEC and DWC at the home of Al Pasini in The Farm 24 Carriage Dr Crawfordville, Florida Saturday August 25th 4 to 7 pm BBQ and Pool Party with the August 14th Primary Winners and Local General Election Candidates DEC and DWC members are asked to contribute a beverage or food item. Suggested minimum donation for all guests $10 Visit for more information or stop by party headquarters at the NorthPointe Center on Crawfordville Highway.

WDEC and WDWC to Host Primary Night Party at Wakulla Democratic Party Headquarters

PRIMARY ELECTION NIGHT WATCH PARTY The Wakulla Democratic Executive Committee is hosting a Primary Election Night Watch Party at our Headquarters on Tuesday, August 14th. The Headquarters is located at the North Pointe Center, 1626 Crawfordville Highway, about 1.5 miles north of Wal-Mart on US 319. Come out and watch the election results. We'll be showing TV coverage, live streaming the Tallahassee Democrat panel coverage and will have laptops running with election results updates. We're inviting primary candidates and general election candidates to watch and celebrate with us. There will be lots of refreshments to enjoy with fellow Democrats. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. For more information please visit Wakulla County Democratic Party on Facebook or at We're going to have a fun time and hope to see you there! Joan Hendrix, Secretary WDEC

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wakulla County Democrats to Caucus Saturday May 5th -- vote for convention delegates!

Crawfordville, FL—Wakulla County Democratic Executive Committee today announced that statewide county caucuses will be held on Saturday, May 5, 2012 at the Wakulla County Library, 4330 HW 319, Crawfordville, FL from 10 am to 2pm. The first ever statewide caucuses will kick-off the delegate selection process, which will determine who will be part of the Florida delegation that will attend the national convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. After being selected at the county level, delegates will proceed to the party’s statewide convention where they will take part in the final phase of the delegate selection process in Tampa, Florida on June 1-3, 2012. Those selected at the state convention will attend the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina this summer. MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE FLORIDA DELEGATION The county caucuses will be held statewide on May 5, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and all registered Democratic voters are invited to attend to cast a ballot for their county’s delegates to the State Convention in Tampa, June 1-3, 2012. Any Democrat interested in running as a candidate for delegate to the State Convention must file the state convention delegate filing form with their county Democratic Executive Committee leadership by April 27, 2012. The filing form is available at The location of each county’s May 5, 2012 Caucus, along with contact information, is available on the State Party’s website at The Florida Democratic Party is committed to diversity in our delegation, and to this end has adopted goals to ensure that Florida's delegates accurately reflect our electorate. More information about FDP's diversity policy is available online This year, Florida will send its largest delegation ever to the National Convention with a record 300 delegates and 23 alternates. A majority of the delegates (184) will be elected at the Congressional District level. Only individuals elected as State Convention delegates at the May 5 caucuses can run for District-Level delegate positions. The FDP has created a special website for those interested in taking part in the 2012 Delegate Selection Process. Please visit, for more information on this exciting event.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Have you found your rally site for April 28th?


Contact: Karen Teegarden – 248-310-8535, Email:

National Groups Endorse UNITE WOMEN

BIRMINGHAM, MI—UNITE Women announced today the endorsement of UNITE
Women’s April 28 events by two nationally respected organizations.

COALITION OF LABOR UNION WOMEN (CLUW) “With members from 54 international and national unions across the U.S. and Canada, CLUW has a strong network of more than 40 chapters. CLUW is endorsed by the AFL-CIO and its international and national unions. CLUW local chapters educate members, keep them up-to-date on a variety of issues of concern to working families, and provide a support network for women in unions.”

COFFEE PARTY USA “As we move into the future, the Coffee Party will develop powerful pathways ordinary citizens can follow to unite and participate in our democracy. Using the latest in social media tools and our home-grown infrastructure, we will invite every American to join a community of their peers and become an agent for restoration of a government of, by, and for the people.” – Eric Whinnery, Board of Directors

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Unite Against The War On Women can be followed at or

Contact: Karen Teegarden Phone Number: 248-229-8324

New Group Poised to Challenge “War on Women”
–Virginia legislators recently tried to enact an invasive, mandatory “trans-vaginal ultrasound” measure for women seeking abortions.

–In Mississippi, lawmakers took a cue from Virginia and are now pushing the same type of regressive, restrictive legislation.

–Texas Governor, Rick Perry, has decided to deny funding to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers under the Texas Women’s Health Program.

–GOP presidential candidates want to end Medicaid funding and turn it into state-by-state bloc grants.

–Personhood legislation and amendments are being actively pushed through state legislatures in attempts to criminalize contraception and family planning.

–State laws regarding voter registration designed to suppress voter turnout especially among poor women, seniors and minorities are already in place and spreading.

A new and growing movement called Unite Against The War On Women is poised to push back on measures like this, with protest marches and rallies across the country on Saturday, April 28.

The newly-minted organization has garnered more than 17,000 members nationally in less than two weeks in the wake of of Virginia’s “trans-vaginal ultrasound” bill and other pending legislation.

Unite Women is saying, “Enough is enough,” and is mobilizing women and men to push back, according to Karen Teegarden, founder of the new organization. In addition to the April 28 actions, Unite Women is also looking long-term to future actions and activity for the group.

“We will not suffer the burdens of those whose ambitions would be fulfilled by the destruction of the human worth of mothers, sisters and daughters of this great nation,” Teegarden said.

While the immediate impetus for Unite Women is the assault on reproductive rights, Teegarden sees the threat to women inclusive of other concerns, including education, workplace equality, voter suppression and crimes against women and children.

“This war on women must be resisted, and won, before the toxic effects of the current national conversation become irrevocable reality,” she added.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WDWC Member to Lead Tallahassee Rally for Women April 28th!

Wakulla Democratic Women's Club member Diane Wilson is heading up the Tallahassee event at the Old Capitol in Tallahassee on April 28th from 12 noon to 2 pm.


Contact: Karen Teegarden - 248-310-8535, Email:

“National groups endorse UNITE Women”

BIRMINGHAM, MI—UNITE Women announced today the endorsement of UNITE

Women’s April 28 events by two nationally respected organizations.

COALITION OF LABOR UNION WOMEN (CLUW) “With members from 54 international and national unions across the U.S. and Canada, CLUW has a strong network of more than 40 chapters. CLUW is endorsed by the AFL-CIO and its international and national unions. CLUW local chapters educate members, keep them up-to-date on a variety of issues of concern to working families, and provide a support network for women in unions.”

COFFEE PARTY USA “As we move into the future, the Coffee Party will develop powerful pathways ordinary citizens can follow to unite and participate in our democracy. Using the latest in social media tools and our home-grown infrastructure, we will invite every American to join a community of their peers and become an agent for restoration of a government of, by, and for the people.” – Eric Whinnery, Board of Directors

- END -

Folluw UNITE Women @ Like us on FB: Twitter @NatlWOW

Monday, March 19, 2012

“Women’s Education and Women’s Empowerment: Women Address Lack of Representation in 2012.”

Tallahassee, Florida – The Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc., announced today that Communications Chair will speak tonight at Florida State University in Tallahassee. Legislative Chair Maureen McKenna said, “This year’s National Women’s History Month Theme is “Women’s Education – Women’s Empowerment” and the issues addressed in the film Miss Representation speak to the challenges women face in 2012.”

Rachel Pienta serves as Communications Chair for the Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc. She is also a contributing writer on gender issues, politics, and public policy for the Florida Progressive Coalition. In 2011, her writing on women and political advocacy was featured in the edited collection The 21st Century Motherhood Movement: Mothers Speak Out on Why We Need to Change the World and How to Do It. She is currently working on a Women’s Studies book for the McGraw Hill Taking Sides series.

Tonight: Miss Representation

Mar 19, 2012
Women's History Month | 8:00PM

Co-sponsored by Strozier Library. This documentary explores how the media contributes to the under-representation of women.

The film Miss Representation, explores the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America, and challenges the media's limited portrayal of what it means to be a powerful woman.

Director: Jennifer Siebel Newsom
Cast: Margaret Cho, Lisa Ling, Gavin Newsom
1hr 25min‎‎ - Documentary‎

A panel discussion follows the Monday showing in the main theater of the Askew Student Life Center. 2011 | NR | 85 min.

Free for FSU Students and the General Public!

The showing on Monday will be followed by a panel of guests including:
• Dr. Rachel Pienta – Women’s Studies Program
• Dr. Jennifer Proffitt – School of Communication
• Sara Howard – College of Humanities and Visual Arts, Theater & Dance.
• Elizabeth Polcha – English Department
• Lanetra Bennett – Reporter from WCTV News

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vice President Joe Biden Coming to Tallahassee!

Vice President Joe Biden is coming to town on Feb 6. He will be at the Challenger Center downtown. It is a fundraiser for the re-election campaign. Tickets are going for $100 each. The first 100 in get in a drawing to have dinner or lunch with the VP. There is an opportunity to be listed as a host the event if you can raise $500 (sell 4 tix and buy your own and your in) which gets you a chance to meet him. There's also a write or raise $1000 level which gets a photo and a separate "clutch" with him. If you want to participate, please let me know! For more information or to RSVP -- or 850-321-3582. I will be submitting RSVPs to the campaign team.

-- Rachel

PS Rachel Sutz Pienta Let me know if I should submit your name for the drawing -- $100 ticket commitment per person needed to be entered.

And - still working on exact price of student tickets with the event coordinator.

Friday, January 6, 2012

“The Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc. Calls on Florida Legislature to be Fair to Floridians in 2012”


Tallahassee, Florida – In preparation for the opening day of the Florida legislative session, the Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc., has released its 2012 legislative agenda, which outlines the organization’s main priority for the year – fairness for all Floridians.

“In 2011, Floridians were under attack on all fronts – our state’s citizens were fair game for the Florida Legislature,” said DWCF, Inc. President Janet Goen. Goen said, “In 2012, the Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc. calls on the elected officials of Florida to keep fairness paramount in their actions while in Tallahassee.”

DWCF, Inc. Legislative Director Dr. Maureen McKenna stated, “Republican legislators and Florida’s job-killing governor “Pink Slip Rick” have attacked citizens’ rights on every level. Last year, Florida's citizens stood against an assault on voting rights, reproductive rights, and workers’ rights.” McKenna further asserted, “The war on women is slated to continue in 2012. Legislators seek to limit women’s access to healthcare, curtail our access to the polls, and further inhibit our ability to be productive workers contribute to Florida’s economic growth.”

The Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc. calls for legislators, during the 2012 Legislative Session, to honor the will of Florida’s voters as expressed in the “Fair Districts” Amendments (Amendments 5 and 6) of 2010; to stop the war on women and to cease the continued attacks on women’s access to life-saving reproductive health care; and to support women workers as an important part of revitalizing Florida’s stalled economic engine – including passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

Members of the Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc. will bring their legislative agenda to Tallahassee in person on February 6 and 7, 2012. Women from throughout the state will bring their call for fairness to the Capitol as part of the DWCF, Inc.’s “Tally Days” – an annual event devoted to awareness, education, and advocacy. For more information, please visit the organization’s website at or on Facebook at Democratic Women's Club of Florida, Inc.