Monday, January 28, 2013

Growing the Grassroots - time to plant seeds for 2014!

Dear newly elected Democratic Party Leaders for CDs across the state –

This letter has been formulated as a model for a letter you can write in your area. For years, we have heard talk of regional infrastructure development from various Democratic leaders. These ideas were touched on recently in the FDP Chair’s race. However, we actually already have an under-utilized regional structure in the guise of our elected congressional district leaders.


Congratulations! You are a new elected congressional district chair or vice chair. What does this mean exactly? For some of you, this is an opportunity to serve on the Central Committee or to organize the National Convention delegate selection process for 2016.

For others of you, this election means more than that. I have had the chance to talk to current, former, and aspiring congressional district leaders around the state. These conversations have taught me that the model for congressional district leadership that holds the most promise for developing Democratic Party infrastructure embodies the notion that holding this elected position is a key regional leadership role that can be used to unite congressional districts and leverage organizing resources to overcome demographic and geographic disadvantages.

In my congressional district, I have high hopes and great expectations for the next four years. I would like to see DECs established in counties where none currently exist. I would like to see existing DECs strengthened and expanded.

Here is where I tailor the letter specifically for my own district:


I am hoping to see the development of a coordinated grassroots campaign aimed at winning back Congressional District 2 and contributing to winning top of the ticket statewide races. It is my hope that we can work across the district to put our counties in the win column for a Democratic governor and Cabinet seats.

To that end, I plan to continue my own efforts with the Small County Coalition and the Democratic Women’s Club to nurture our North Florida and Panhandle infrastructure. I am looking forward to having the support of dynamic leaders with a vision for growing Democratic infrastructure.

I have scheduled Amy Ritter from Florida Watch Action to speak in Wakulla on February 14th on messaging and grassroots organizing. In March, we will be hosting Franco Caliz from Democracy for America to train us on high touch strategies for Democratic community organizing.

I invite my neighbors from the Panhandle and North Florida to join us for our upcoming programs.  I want to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to our newly elected Congressional District 2 leaders to join us to speak about their version for CD2 in 2014 and 2016 at our DEC meeting in Wakulla on April 11th at 7 pm EST at the Wakulla County Library. Our executive board would like to highlight CD2 Chair Patricia Byrd and Vice Chair Franklin Brooks as our featured speakers for the April meeting.

Thank you for your service to the Democratic Party. I look forward to working with you,

Rachel Sutz Pienta, PhD
Chair and State Committeewoman, Wakulla DEC

Saturday, January 19, 2013

One week until we cast our vote for the new FDP Chair...

I read the following post on "The Buzz" ( and it left me with many questions.

Those of you closely following the FDP Chair's race know that I have endorsed Allison Tant and that my endorsement has been publicly cited in her campaign press.

That said, as a leader in this party, I feel we all need to take a stand on fairness and transparency in our internal elections. How can we call for electoral fairness across the state of Florida if we don't practice it ourselves?

This post by a former union brother of Alan Clandenin raises several flags for me. I am a union member - a member of the AAUP in Georgia where my primary employment as a university professor is located and a former FEA member from my days as a public school teacher in Florida. I continue to advocate for unions in Florida as a party leader and activist. Union leader Mike Williams is a Wakulla resident and I hold his endorsement of Clendenin in high respect.  Surely Mike Williams knows something about Alan Clendenin's union history?


Mike Williams' endorsement (note - there has been a division among the unions with FEA and SEIU endorsing Allison Tant):

Mike Williams Endorses Alan Clendenin
for Chair of the Florida Democratic Party

Mike Williams, Florida Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, released the following statement regarding the upcoming election for the Chair of the Florida Democratic Party:

“I am proud to support Alan Clendenin to be the next Chair of the Florida Democratic Party. Like myself, Alan has been a union member and dedicated labor activist and he understands the needs and struggles of Florida’s working families. Alan has espoused the best values of Florida’s workers through concrete action. His proven record shows that he understands the power of emboldening a strong grassroots base of activists and the strength of making campaigns about people and values, not just campaign money. He is the perfect candidate to meet the needs of Florida Democrats. As we turn to the 2014 elections that will decide the direction for Florida’s future, we need someone like Alan as party chair. Someone that can make sure that the party speaks clearly to the values we hold dear while being successful at the ballot box.”


The post below was published in the Tampa Bay Times - visit the link above to see the original post on January 18, 2013:


Former air traffic union prez slams claims by state Dem chair candidate Alan Clendenin





A big part of Alan Clendenin's argument that he's well positioned to lead the Florida Democratic party is his track record with the air traffic controllers' union, particularly his work increasing fundraising by the union's political action committee. But now fellow Tampa resident and former national union president John Carr is attacking Clendenin for inflating his record and taking credit for other people's work.
Clendenin tells Buzz he stands by his record - "Facts are facts" - and said he is disgusted by party leaders and supporters of rival chairman candidate, Allison Tant, who would try to smear him. He said Carr is a bull dog well known for attacking people, and that some of the motivation could be personal because Carr's wife used to work for Clendenin.
First, here's the letter that prompted Carr's response:
January 13, 2013
My name is Randy Weiland and I am a former Chairman of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), National legislative Committee. Alan Clendenin held this position prior to me. I am endorsing Alan Clendenin to lead the Florida Democratic Party.  I have known Alan since 1997, and I served under his leadership in various positions for many years. As he moved up through the ranks of leadership I had the distinct privilege of assuming the positions he vacated.
I strongly endorse Alan due to his proven track record and demonstrated skills in not only fund raising (raising over four Million dollars) but also creating grassroots legislative activism. Alan designed a nationwide infrastructure to support legislative activity from the ground up. Alan was able to create a volunteer workforce that was active in every congressional district in the United States. Under Alan’s leadership we were able to forge a body of informed, motivated and highly functional citizen lobbyists. Creating a grassroots army of this size also required Alan to grow NATCA PAC to a sufficient size to command respect from all members of Congress. Alan is an incredible fundraiser.
Under his leadership he grew the NATCA PAC into one of the most successful PACs in the federal union sector. When he started, our PAC was raising less than 200 thousand dollars a cycle.  Alan implemented a strategic plan for growth. During his tenure he increased the fund by nearly 900%. The program he implemented continued to grow the PAC long after he left office.  Using the foundation he left behind, today the NATCA PAC has grown to over 8 million dollars a cycle. When I assumed the chairman position from Alan, NATCA PAC was sought after by many members of Congress on a daily basis for political financial support. NATCA PAC was seated at the table with major party contributors and was continually relied upon by many campaigns to maintain a democratic presence both in the House and the Senate.
It was solely through Alan’s campaign of building legislative activism and raising funds that allowed the legislative activism of the union to grow from a mere afterthought to a fighting vibrant force on the Hill. Alan has a strong record of taking an organization in need of building or rebuilding and making it a highly competitive legislative force.
Here's what Carr sent today:
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is John Carr and I am the past President of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), AFL-CIO.  I must set the record straight concerning claims made by Alan Clendenin, candidate for Chairman of the Florida Democratic Party,  in a press release issued January 13th.
I served two terms as President of NATCA and was in office during Mr. Clendenin's tenure as National Legislative Committee Chairman.  Mr.  Clendenin's narcissistic press release is peppered with inaccuracies and inflated claims, starting with his reference to my Union, NATCA, as "NACTA."
Mr. Clendenin claims to have grown the NATCA PAC by 900%.  This is not true.  Mr. Clendenin was a volunteer activist, serving at the direction and under the supervision of my paid National Office staff.  Mr. Clendenin's volunteer position was overseen and his actions were either endorsed and approved by my professional legislative staff, and ultimately by me, or they were denied.  Mr. Clendenin's assertion that he grew the PAC through his leadership alone is disingenuous at best, an outright deception at worst.
The NATCA PAC was a pet project of mine, and anyone still in the union will tell you that it was a team effort---led primarily by the Union President (me)---that grew the NATCA PAC during Clendenin's tenure.  While growth was robust during my six years in office, it never reached the heights Mr. Clendenin claims of 900% growth.
Mr. Clendenin did not create a "national infrastructure," as he asserts.  Mr. Clendenin inherited a legislative organization which had already proven itself on Capitol Hill, which was already bringing hundreds of activists to Washington each year, and which was already teaching and mentoring volunteers across the country.
Mr. Weiland's claim that the NATCA PAC is now raising over 8 million dollars a cycle is 100% false and says more about Weiland's lack of truthfulness than he probably wanted to share.  Mr. Weiland's claims that Clendenin was solely responsible for growing NATCA's legislative activism "from a mere afterthought to a fighting vibrant force" which "commanded respect from all members of Congress" is conceited in the extreme and does a genuine disservice to the hundreds of volunteers who can rightly lay claim to this achievement.  And finally, Weiland's claim that NATCA was active in "every Congressional district in the United States" during Clendenin's tenure is an outright lie.
Clendenin and Weiland do a disservice to the NATCA National Office Staff and to my six years in office---a time longer than Clendenin's tenure--- during which the NATCA PAC grew fourfold.  In the seven years since I left office the NATCA PAC has continued it's growth, but it does not yet reach the heights Clendenin and Weiland claim to have led it to over ten years ago.
Clendenin's volunteer position was subordinate to the NATCA National Office Staff, the NATCA National Executive Board, and the NATCA President and Vice President.  Clendenin's attempt to portray himself as an independent operator who single-handedly created the Union's legislative activism is egotistical and arrogant and ultimately false.
Mr. Clendenin and his much-ballyhooed endorser Weiland both voluntarily quit the great Union, and their attempt to cloak themselves with NATCA's successes is insulting and offensive.  When my Union's employer, the Federal Aviation Administration, walked away from contract negotiations and imposed cowardly and draconian terms of employment on their workforce, Mr. Clendenin and Mr. Weiland both voluntarily occupied management positions and were directly responsible for implementing harsh treatment and an autocratic, Jurassic management style on their subordinates---union members they each formerly stood shoulder to shoulder with.  These sad facts are noticeably absent from Clendenin and Weiland's egotistical boasts.
The FAA's imposition of their spiteful terms of employment led to a tsunami wave of air traffic controller retirements which jeopardized aviation safety then and continues to affect air traffic facilities to this day.  Over half of our nation's air traffic controllers now have less than five years of experience on the job;  Mr. Clendenin and Mr. Weiland can each take their share of credit for this dubious statistic.  Clendenin and Weiland can also lay claim to the two faces they each happily wore, first as union members they now brag about, and then as management minions imposing cruel and malicious discipline on their former colleagues.
The Florida Democratic Party is in desperate need of leadership.  Clendenin's true and complete record---and his transformation from working class Union member to management stooge---do not reflect credit upon his leadership abilities or his qualifications for the position of Chairman of the FDP.
John S. Carr


This morning Alan Clendenin sent an email that addresses this letter and other issues that have arisen during the campaign:
On Monday, January 21st, we will be celebrating both the birth of
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the nation's strongest advocates for justice and human rights, and the inauguration of President Barack Obama, a man who is working tirelessly to build a more perfect union for our children and our children's children.
Inspired by these men, and the hundreds of men and women who are the backbone of the Florida Democratic Party, I put my hat in the ring to become the next Chairman.
I expected to travel the state presenting my vision and my qualifications, and I also expected to compete on the merits with anyone else who might be running for this position.
What I didn't expect was to find Democratic leaders in our own party practicing a campaign of disinformation, misinformation, and fear mongering that reminds me of the "Swift Boat" attacks that Republican groups launched against Senator John Kerry in 2004.
Facts are facts, or as one of my favorite Presidents Bill Clinton recently said during our convention. “I came from a place where people still thought two and two was four. It’s arithmetic.”
I am very proud of who I am, my accomplishments, and my record.  So let's get a few things straight, once and for all:

Lie – Alan will direct all party resources to Senator Nan Rich’s gubernatorial primary campaign.
Lie – Alan will direct all party resources to CFO Alex Sink’s (rumored) gubernatorial primary campaign.
Lie – Alan will direct all party resources to Gov. Charlie Crist (rumored) gubernatorial primary campaign.
FACT –I will not allow the Democratic Party to pick favorites in a Democratic primary. I respect our Democratic candidates too much to tilt the table towards or away from any one of them. 1

Lie Alan will not support Charlie Crist for Governor. FACT – I am a Democrat.  I will support the choice Democratic voters in our primary. I enjoy a respectful relationship with all three of the above-mentioned potential nominees. As Chair I will ensure our party is ready, willing and able to support the voters choice. 2
Lie – Alan will fire the <insert any one of many names> staff if he is elected. FACT – I have not stated nor do I have any intention to ‘Fire’ staff. 3
Lie – Alan is opposed to marriage equality FACT – I support marriage equality 2
Lie – Alan said that he wouldn't " serve under a woman" FACT – As a son and a father of two strong independent women, This one is so outrageous I don’t know what to say about it. Really?  It is 2012 not 1912 . 2
Lie – Alan said that he "burn the house down if I don't get this job" FACT – Two years ago I stepped aside when asked because I was convinced it was the right thing to do for our party. I didn’t cut a deal and I didn’t burn the house down I just stepped aside and kept doing what I do.  I have always been, I am, and will continue to be a loyal Democrat. I am running to lead the party because we need to change our trajectory. My type of change does not involve matches or flames; it involves training and empowering our activists. 8
Lie – Alan has paid the authors of the Political Hurricane blog and paid for an ad on their site in exchange for their support. FACT – I did not pay the Political Hurricane Blog for an ad or their support. 4

Lie – If Alan is elected he will fire <insert name here> and he will hire <insert a number of names here> to replace him/her. FACT – I have not promised a job or position to anyone.
Lie – Alan is not grassroots. He doesn’t do the work. FACT – I am a proven grassroots organizer and team member. I walk precincts, stand at polls, help organize events and just about anything else our party or candidates ask me to do.
Lie – Clendenin is a puppet of “Big Sugar” 5

FACT – I am not a puppet of anyone or any organization. Not ‘Big Sugar’ or any individual. I have never solicited or received a donation for or from anyone associated with ‘Big Sugar’. I do not owe anyone anything.
Lie – Alan Clendenin does not have fundraising experience FACT – As National Chair of the air traffic controller’s legislative team I led the team effort to build the PAC. 6
Lie – During Alan’s term he did not grow the PAC by 900%.   FACT – Under my leadership the PAC grew 900%. When I became chair the PAC brought in less than $200,000/cycle when I left the PAC was bringing in 2 million dollars a cycle. That is 900% according to my calculator. (During my term the PAC raised over 4 million dollars.) 7

1 - This is not just a personal value, I committed to this during a presentation on December 5, 2013 at a meeting called by the Orange County State Committeeman and attended by many party leaders.
2 – Progressive Voices You Should Know Interview
3 - In July I spoke with Scott Arceneaux about this rumor. Subsequent to this discussion I have personally called Rod Smith, Scott Arceneaux and I spoke with two other concerned members of our staff in an attempt to stop this rumor. As recently as December 17, 2012 I reconfirmed this commitment verbally with Scott Arceneaux.
4 - The Political Hurricane Statement Regarding Our Position in the FDP Chairs Race
5 - Progressive Dems United
6 - National Air Traffic Controllers Association Constitution
National Legislative Committee Charter (10/97)
The NATCA National Legislative Committee, hereafter referred to as the Committee, will seek to advance the status, professionalism, benefits & working conditions of all air traffic controllers and other safety related employees through political action. The Committee shall assist the President, Executive Vice President and National Executive Board in defining the roles and responsibilities of the National Legislative Affairs Department. The Committee shall be the focal point for all grassroots legislative activity in the United States. By working closely with the National Legislative Affairs Department, the Committee shall serve as a resource to the membership, National Office and National Executive Board. The Committee shall coordinate grassroots efforts on national issues as directed by the National President and Legislative Affairs Department. The Committee shall identify the legislative training needs of the membership and take steps to ensure that adequate training programs are developed. The Committee shall promote the growth of NATCA PAC through member education and ongoing efforts to solicit new PAC members and increase contributions. The members of the Committee shall make recommendations to the National Legislative Affairs Department on the distribution of PAC funds.
The Committee shall receive guidance from the National President, Executive Vice President and the National Legislative Affairs Department. The Committee, through the Chairperson or his/her designee, shall brief the National Executive Board on Committee activities, including Lobby Week and other national legislative training, strategy for promoting grassroots activism, and annual goals of the committee. There shall be at least four meetings of the Committee during the calendar year, or as deemed appropriate by the National President and/or the Committee Chair.
7 - National Air Traffic Controllers Association 2003 Annual Report
PAC reached record amount of $2.3 million for the election cycle.
8 – Press Release issued November 24, 2010
- Hillsborough State Committeeman and DNC member Alan Clendenin said, “The Florida Democratic Party has never, and will never be about any one individual. This election is about doing what is best for our Party and our state. Rod Smith embraced many of the reforms I proposed. He is a proven leader, committed to reorganize and rebuild the Florida Democratic Party. I fully support his candidacy and I urge all Florida Democrats to unite behind him.

 The email also included a photo of a trophy awarded to Alan Clendenin for his union service.


So I had to ask -- how could Weiland and Carr have such different perceptions of Clendenin's service?  Could Williams be so far off in his judgment of Clendenin?

I decided to google Carr using the search phrase "John Carr NATCA" to learn a little more about him and to see if I could gain a better understanding of the background and history.

The search turned up a few interesting items:

The following link yielded the first clue:

This description is posted along with other documents and links about this case, Carr, and NATCA:

John Carr is the former past president of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA). Carr operates a blog, The Main Bang, on which he often criticizes the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). In two blog posts in July 2007, Carr wrote about an FAA employee who committed suicide and detailed the actions of the employee's supervisor, John Gilding.
On September 11, 2007, Gilding commenced a lawsuit against Carr, claiming that Carr defamed him and placed him in a false light. Gilding further claims that Carr's blog falsely accused Gilding of "lying under oath in an administrative hearing" and "harrassing and intimidating a subordinate CPC to death." The complaint outlines several other statements that plaintiff alleges Carr "falsely and maliciously" made on his blog. The complaint requests relief in the form of general and punitive damages.
On October 31, 2007, Carr filed a motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction, asserting that Arizona state courts do not have jurisdiction over him because he is a resident of Ohio and has no contacts or business with Arizona. Carr later filed motions for summary judgment based upon defenses of truth, opinion, and absence of actual malice. On April 25, 2008, the court denied Carr's motion to dismiss.
10/27/08 - Gilding filed a Third Amended Complaint that added NATCA as a defendant.
11/19/08 - The case was removed to the US District Court for the District of Arizona.
11/25/08 - NATCA filed a motion to dismiss. Gilding opposed.
04/07/09 - The court  granted Gilding's motion to remand back to state court and denied NATCA's motion to dismiss.
04/20/09 - The court granted Gilding's motion to  appoint a Special Master to referee the discovery process.
04/23/09 - NATCA filed a notice of intent to appeal to the Ninth Circuit the decision to remand. Other defendants file similar notices. 
04/24/09 - Gilding requested an award of attorney's fees. 
05/14/09 - Gilding moved to dismiss NATCA's appeal.
06/02/09 - Guilding moved for a subpoena to be issued to obtain FAA investigation records regarding  defendants Bob Marks and Jerry Johnston.
06/05/09 - The court denied Gilding's motion for an award of attorney's fees (originally made 4/24/09 and supplemented 5/21/09).
06/08/09 - NATCA moved to stay proceedings pending its appeal to the Ninth Circuit. 
06/11/09 - Gilding submitted a brief opposing NATCA's appeal.
06/12/09 - Guilding opposed NATCA motion to stay. 


What does my search tell me? John Carr has been a controversial figure - a leader who has some loyal followers and some bitter enemies.  Should I take Carr's letter with a grain of salt? I think so.

A few weeks ago, Democratic Progressive Caucus Chair Susan Smith cautioned all of us not to believe everything we would read about the candidates for the FDP Chair position.

Those words of advice hold true regardless of which candidate you support.  The Political Hurricane engaged in some major mudslinging against Allison Tant and also threw some punches at several other individuals whom I know to be good Democrats that work hard to move the ball down the field.

There are many factors that play into whom people support and how they will cast their votes on January 26th. However, divisive hatchet attacks on either candidate - both good Democrats - serve no good purpose.

I appreciate the role of responsible journalists in ensuring the people have all the facts about candidates. There is a difference between blogging and journalism - akin to the difference between a news article and what appears on the Op-Ed pages but perhaps not as clear cut a divide.

That said, when does the media become an accessory to negative campaign tactics? This is a question raised during several races in North Florida this past cycle and I see similar issues playing out across the state in this race.

With all the mud flying it may be difficult to get a clear picture of this race. State committee men and women may be left wondering, "who are these candidates and which one is the right choice to lead our party forward?"

I have said several times that I would love to see a unified party where the talents of both Clendenin and Tant could be put to their best and highest use for the good of the party.  That said, little movement on reaching such an accord has been made. The mudslinging makes it even less likely that an agreement can be reached.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Can we think outside the box in the FDP Chair's Race?

Yesterday my husband and I received the following email from Democratic National Committeeman Jon Ausman.  Like David and I myself, Jon serves as one of two elected state committee people from his county.  Jon is state committeeman for Leon County, our neighbor just to the north of Wakulla County.

I'm sure many other Democratic Party leaders across the state received this letter.  I am posting it here as a follow up post to my earlier post of a letter I wrote and distributed to Democratic leaders a few days ago.


Greetings Fellow Democratic Party Leader,

Attached in an Excel format are the weighted votes assigned to each county and to the elected officials who are automatic members of the State Executive Committee.  If a county is assigned twelve (12) weighted votes then the state committeewoman
casts six (6) votes and the state committeeman casts six (6) votes.

Please accept my best wishes for a glorious 2013.  I am running for re-election for
the position of Democratic National Committeeman.  You will get to elect five (5) men and five (5) women to the Democratic National Committee.  I am asking that I be one of your five men when you vote.

Would you take a moment and complete the following survey regarding the County Democratic Executive Committees (CDECs) December organizational meeting.  Here is the link to take the survey.

State Chair’s Race

Many members of the State Executive Committee (SEC) recognize the opportunities and risks involved in having a protracted campaign for State Chair.  Rather than look at this as a win-lose situation where only one person can be elected and the other defeated I am proposing several scenarios below for your consideration.

We need to respect and honor all hard working Democrats involved in this State Chair race.  We need to find a way that we can have a harmonious January.

Scenario One:

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) in 1995 and in 1999 elected two (2) persons to the position of National Chair.  In 1995 Christopher Dodd of Connecticut and Donald Fowler of South Caroline were elected and served together until 1997.

In 1999 Edward Rendell of Pennsylvania and Joseph Andrew of Indiana were elected to the position of National Chair.  They served together until 2001.

In both instances the National Charter was not amended and the DNC accepted both co-chairs. One served primarily as the public spokesman and fundraiser of the party
(Dodd in 1995 and Rendell in 1999) while the other took care of the
administrative function of the party (Fowler in 1995 and Andrews in 1999).

We can do the same if we wish to elevate both Alan Clendenin and Allison Tant to the position of State Chair (I am going to rotate the order of their names throughout this email).  This will allow the potential of a win-win for everybody though the details would need to be agreed to beforehand.

Scenario Two:

In the 1992 FDP Chair race Terrie Brady, the Chair of the Duval County DEC, and I, the County Chair of the Leon County DEC, ran for State Chair.  We both ran a
hard-fought, positive campaign through the election.  We decided ahead of time that if Terrie was elected State Chair that I would be Vice-Chair and have the choice of having three of my strongest supporters elected to the DNC (in this case they were Jimmy Cobb of Levy County, Nancy Dick of Hardee County and Diane Glasser of Broward County; two from small counties and one large county).

If I won then Terrie would be Vice-Chair and she would have the choice of having three of her strongest supporters elected to the DNC.  This is when Florida only had eight (8) directly elected DNC members, four (4) women and four (4) men.

We both ran a clean, affirmative campaign.  Terrie won and we both honored the deal we made.

I want to encourage Allison Tant and Alan Clendenin to consider this possibility as a way to encourage a positive discussion of the direction of the party and as a way to allow the SEC to heal after the election.  This solution also eliminated
backbiting and personal attacks.

I am already sensing the beginning of an us-versus-them division.  We could avoid such by using this scenario.

Scenario Three:

Two weeks or so before the 26 January 2013 election of the State Chair there is an unofficial meeting of the SEC in either a centralized location, a massive telephone conference call, or by a webcast using six to seven locations around Florida at which SEC can gather.

At this meeting we hammer out what the goals of the FDP for the upcoming election cycle are going to be and also what role Alan Clendenin and Allison Tant will play in them. The public, official meeting of the SEC ratifies these conclusions.

Already Orange County State Committeeman Jimmy Affaunt has set up a meeting in Central Florida.  Miami-Dade State Committeeman Bret Berlin has done the same in southeast Florida.

Scenario Four:

Both Allison Tant and Alan Clendenin campaign hard for the office all the way through the 26 January 2013 SEC meeting.  Their supporters continue to use both
negative and positive techniques.  Their supporters continue to refuse to negotiate and turn this into a winner-take-all result for their respective candidate. Somehow the SEC heals over the following 120 days.

Scenario four uses up 150 days (30 more of campaigning and 120 days of healing) during which time we could be recruiting candidates, evaluating what worked in 2012 and gathering resources.

Scenario Five:

This is the time that you come up with a solution to the issue which benefits both camps and the FDP as well.  Share with me what would make this a win for you.  We both know there are other scenarios which could get the job done and you may know some I have do not know.

In 2007-08 I negotiated a solution to Florida’s delegate takeaway by the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee.

I had to listen to the concerns of a number of persons/organizations involved in the conflict:  the Obama campaign; the Clinton campaign; the DNC Rules and Bylaws Chairs James Roosevelt and Alexis Herman; the DNC Chair Howard Dean; the Rules and Bylaws Committee staff; the FDP Chair and staff; and, other Florida persons/groups who were involved.

Every single one of these persons/organizations had a different view as to what needed to be done. Everybody wanted to “win” and initially wanted the others to “lose”.

I made a large number of calls and went to personal meetings.  Florida got a unanimous vote by the Rules and Bylaws Committee giving Florida its delegates.  We achieved this because we listened carefully to what each person/group wanted and tried to find a way to give them some of what they wanted.

We can negotiate a way to a positive solution which benefits everyone involved (Alan Clendenin and Allison Tant, the strong elected official supporters of both candidates, party supporters of both candidates, other stakeholders of both candidates).

Those who are saying “s/he had their chance” to resolve this and there will be no more negotiating should re-open both their hearts and minds to a possible, positive solution.

Both Allison Tant and Alan Clendenin have positive histories and both can make a positive contribution to our Party.

Help me make this a situation in which all Florida Democrats win.

With respect, I am,

Jon M. Ausman, State Committeeman
Leon County Democratic Executive Committee


Dave and I shared our brief response to this letter with a few people yesterday and decided to share it more widely today:

Dave and I read Jon Ausman's email with great interest.  For some time now, we've been wondering if it were possible for Allison Tant and Alan Clendenin to reach some sort of agreement that would benefit the entire party.  Each candidate has much to offer.

The ideas articulated in Jon's message are worth exploring.  What if we didn't have to say choosing one good Democrat meant rejecting what the other good Democratic leader had to offer?  What if it were possible for Alan Clendenin and Allison Tant and their respective camps to hammer out an agreement, in whatever form that might take? What if such an agreement would unite our party and move us past the divisiveness and rancor? Don't we it owe to ourselves to at least discuss all the possible options?

Rachel Sutz Pienta
David A. Pienta
State Committeewoman and State Committeeman, Wakulla County

Note:  Wakulla DEC Chair Rachel Pienta will be on the PNN show on Sunday night. The night’s schedule includes the following segments:

Interview with Allison Tant, from 7:10-7:40pm
Tim Carpenter founder of PDA from 7:41-8:10pm
and Dr. Pienta from 8:11 - 8:28pm talking about Democratic politics and small counties.

Wakulla has been waiting on the Small County Coalition to finish collecting responses from the member counties before making a public endorsement of one candidate over another. We will announce our choice after January 8th. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Miss Representation and Media Misogyny

I wrote the following press release (see below) for the Democratic Women's Club of Florida in response to the first cartoon that depicted Susannah Randolph as a dog on her husband's leash. Since the publication of the first cartoon, a second cartoon has been issued - see the one depicting Susannah Randolph as a gun wielding militant.

Susannah Randolph posted the following response to the most recent cartoon on her Facebook page:

"I wish that I could say that the crowd who portrayed me as a dog on the leash of my husband had learned their lesson after hearing from you all but, in fact, they haven't. Here is their latest cartoon. Portraying me as a machine-gun wielding crazy woman. After Sandy Hook. Your insensitivity knows no bounds." - Susannah Randolph

“Democratic Women Speak Out Against Media Misogyny”

Tallahassee, Florida -  Democratic Women’s Club of Florida President Janet Goen issued the following statement today in response to the recent political cartoon depicting Orange County DWCF member Susannah Randolph as a female dog on a leash held by her husband, former state representative and newly elected Orange County Tax Collector Scott Randolph:

          The Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, Inc., believes strongly in        freedom of           speech and that the media has an important role in a   vibrant democratic society.  However, a line is crossed when       the     media uses the pen to bully and demean women who participate in         the democratic process.  The recently published cartoon depicting           Democratic activist Susannah Randolph as a dog on a leash at her          husband’s feet crossed the line between the actions of        responsible media and the sort of bully tactics used in propaganda.    Throughout          history, oppressed groups have been caricaturized in media         propaganda in an effort to make members of these groups seem     less than human. This cartoon represents one of the most egregious examples of this type of offensive and   dehumanizing      caricature that members of this organization have seen since the           Civil Rights era. The members of the DWCF believe an apology to          Susannah Randolph and all the women in Florida is in order.


I want to recommend that everyone visit the following website and take the pledge:

“I pledge to use my voice to spread the message of Miss Representation and challenge the media’s limiting portrayal of women and girls”

And check out "Media We Like"....