Monday, October 21, 2013

Wakulla Democratic Party Announces 2013 Gala

The Wakulla Democratic Party announced details today for their biannual Gala. The 2013 Gala will be held at Wakulla Springs on Thursday, November 7th. 

Tickets are available at

Thursday, October 3, 2013

DWCF announces elected officers and appointed board members for 2013-15 term

 Above: From left to right: 2nd VP Rachel Sutz Pienta, President Maureen McKenna, Treasurer Carol King, 1st VP Nancy Hurlburt, and Secretary Anna Eskamani.

President Maureen McKenna Highlands
1st Vice President Nancy Hurlbert Lake
2nd Vice President Dr. Rachel Sutz Pienta Wakulla
Recording Secretary Anna V. Eskamani Greater Orlando
Treasurer Carol King Lake
Standing Committees     
Archives and History  Danielle Neetz: a one year appointment Volusia
Budget  Velma Lumpkin  Highlands County
Communications/Website  Gwen Shangle   Clay
Convention 2014   Julia Heckendorn St. Johns
Credentials  Dr. Sharlyn Roach Miami Dade
Finance and Special Reports (Ways and Means)  Betty Gissendanner Charlotte
Grievance  Janet Goen Upper Pinellas
Legislative and Political Education  Stephanie Kunkel  Capitol City
Rules  Evalyn Narramore  Escambia
Campaign Screen Chair  Ellen Holt  Okaloosa
Political Committee  Samantha Hope Herring  Bay County
Auditing  Chair  Carolyn Helms  Lee 
Nominating  Janet Goen Upper Pinellas
Bylaws Nancy Hurlbert Lake 
Resolutions  To be announced   
Special Committees    
Public Relations Rachel Pienta  Wakulla 
Awards  Ida Eskamani Greater Orlando
Environmental Chair  Karen Epple  Alachua
Elder Affairs/SS/Insurance Joan McGinnis St. Johns
Page/Teller and Quarterly Meeting Hostess Sandra Brown Bay County
Chaplain  Julia Heckendorn St. Johns
Training Resource Chair Susan Smith Hillsborough
Handbook Committee Ada Burnette  Capitol City 
Newsletter  Judy Schnabel Charlotte
Sergeant-at-Arms  To be announced   
Platform, Candidate Resource Chair  Karen Welzel Platform, Candidate Resource Coordinator
2014 NFDW Convention Chair  Julia Heckendorn St. Johns
DWCF Convention Best Practices Committee Judy Byrne Riley Okaloosa 
(Chair rotates yearly)
NFDW 2016 Convention Committee Judy Byrne Riley--will be co-chaired if bid is approved Okaloosa
Officer Appointments    
Parliamentarian Carol Cherry Capitol City
Corresponding Secretary  Judy Schnabel Charlotte
Regional Chairs     
Chair of Chairs    
Region 1  Mildred Hall   Capitol City
Region 2 Judy Byrne Riley Okaloosa
Region 3 Mary Lou Woods  St. Johns
Region 4 Danielle Neetz  Volusia 
Region 5 Judy Prine Pasco
Region 6 Patricia Farley Crutcher South Brevard 
Region 7 Sandra McClinton  Lee County
Region 8 Susie Johnson  Highlands 
Region 9 Michell Warner  Miami Gardens
College Dem Caucus To be announced   

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wakulla DWC Past President Verna Brock accepted to Women Can Run Cohort Program

“Wakulla Residents Participate in Women Can Run Program in Tallahassee.”

Crawfordville, FL – Wakulla Democratic Party Chair Rachel Pienta announced today that Democratic Executive Committee Member Verna Brock has been accepted to a five member cohort of women who will receive specialized electoral training via the Women Can Run program, “Verna Brock has committed to a year-long intensive training program designed to prepare women to run for office.”

Two Wakulla residents, Verna Brock and Shirley Howard attended the September 30 Women Can Run program in Tallahassee. The featured speaker, Steve Vancore, discussed how women can prepare to run and become viable candidates for public office.

Steven J. Vancore is the President of VancoreJones Communications. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Business and his Master’s degree in Marketing Communications from the Florida State University.
Beginning in the mid 1980’s, Mr. Vancore has been deeply involved in scores of political campaigns throughout the state.  Additionally, he ran a statewide polling and political research center for over a dozen years while overseeing literally hundreds of polling and political research projects during that time.  For the past decade, he has continued his work in general consulting, polling, and focus group research as well as public relations and government affairs projects throughout the nation. In addition to teaching media selection and application at the Florida State University’s Masters of Applied American Politics & Policy (MAAPP) program, he is a frequent guest lecturer on the subject of Florida politics and political research.
In addition to the highly competitive cohort program, Women Can Run hosts events with speakers open to the public. Future scheduled events include the following programs:

November 25, 2013 - Seeking and Holding Elected Office: A Woman's Perspective
January 27, 2014 - Knowing and Delivering Your Message
March 31, 2014 - Campaign Operations: The Basics
May 26, 2014 - Legal Aspect of Running for Office

Programs are held at Raymond C. Sittig Hall, 301 S. Bronough St., Tallahassee, FL 32301. Parking is available for a fee in the Kleman Plaza Parking Garage or on the street.

For more information, call (850) 222-2747.