Friday, March 23, 2012

Have you found your rally site for April 28th?


Contact: Karen Teegarden – 248-310-8535, Email:

National Groups Endorse UNITE WOMEN

BIRMINGHAM, MI—UNITE Women announced today the endorsement of UNITE
Women’s April 28 events by two nationally respected organizations.

COALITION OF LABOR UNION WOMEN (CLUW) “With members from 54 international and national unions across the U.S. and Canada, CLUW has a strong network of more than 40 chapters. CLUW is endorsed by the AFL-CIO and its international and national unions. CLUW local chapters educate members, keep them up-to-date on a variety of issues of concern to working families, and provide a support network for women in unions.”

COFFEE PARTY USA “As we move into the future, the Coffee Party will develop powerful pathways ordinary citizens can follow to unite and participate in our democracy. Using the latest in social media tools and our home-grown infrastructure, we will invite every American to join a community of their peers and become an agent for restoration of a government of, by, and for the people.” – Eric Whinnery, Board of Directors

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Contact: Karen Teegarden Phone Number: 248-229-8324

New Group Poised to Challenge “War on Women”
–Virginia legislators recently tried to enact an invasive, mandatory “trans-vaginal ultrasound” measure for women seeking abortions.

–In Mississippi, lawmakers took a cue from Virginia and are now pushing the same type of regressive, restrictive legislation.

–Texas Governor, Rick Perry, has decided to deny funding to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers under the Texas Women’s Health Program.

–GOP presidential candidates want to end Medicaid funding and turn it into state-by-state bloc grants.

–Personhood legislation and amendments are being actively pushed through state legislatures in attempts to criminalize contraception and family planning.

–State laws regarding voter registration designed to suppress voter turnout especially among poor women, seniors and minorities are already in place and spreading.

A new and growing movement called Unite Against The War On Women is poised to push back on measures like this, with protest marches and rallies across the country on Saturday, April 28.

The newly-minted organization has garnered more than 17,000 members nationally in less than two weeks in the wake of of Virginia’s “trans-vaginal ultrasound” bill and other pending legislation.

Unite Women is saying, “Enough is enough,” and is mobilizing women and men to push back, according to Karen Teegarden, founder of the new organization. In addition to the April 28 actions, Unite Women is also looking long-term to future actions and activity for the group.

“We will not suffer the burdens of those whose ambitions would be fulfilled by the destruction of the human worth of mothers, sisters and daughters of this great nation,” Teegarden said.

While the immediate impetus for Unite Women is the assault on reproductive rights, Teegarden sees the threat to women inclusive of other concerns, including education, workplace equality, voter suppression and crimes against women and children.

“This war on women must be resisted, and won, before the toxic effects of the current national conversation become irrevocable reality,” she added.

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